Some Quick Facts About Herpes
• Many people have been told by doctors they have herpes, and they do not.
• There are people are walking around thinking they have herpes, and they do not.
• People have changed their lives and relationships based on a false diagnosis
• Yes, there is a blood test for herpes
• You need to wait about 12 weeks to get an accurate blood test result
• Yes, you can have a false postive herpes test result
• Doctors have been very wrong doing visual diagnoses for herpes
• You need a "type specific" herpes blood test when testing for genital herpes
• Not all doctors know which tests to give thier patients
• Not all blisters on the genitals are herpes
• You do not need to go to a doctor to get a herpes test (click here)
• Herpes 1 is generally on the mouth, and herpes 2 is generally on the gentials, but not always!
• Even if you have herpes 1 (normally cold sores) you can still get herpes 2
• Herpes 1 and herpes 2 are different viruses. They cannot change into one another.
• Normally symptoms appear within 12 days of first being infected.
• Some people are asymptomatic, but can still pass the virus.
• Using a condom does not provide 100% protection against herpes
• If you dont want to take the risk, you and your partner should get tested before any sexual activity.
• Remember, since it takes about 12 weeks for the antibodies to be fully detectable in a blood test, you both must wait 12 weeks or longer after the last sexual encounter to recieve an accurate result.